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Welcome to Summer School 2016
Learn how to predict and control crystal nucleation by participating in our summer school. The Summer School is sponsored by European Federation of Chemical Engineering with the goal to outline theory, measurement methods and simulation techniques necessary to understand, describe and manipulate crystal nucleation processes. Academics, manufacturing professionals, post graduate students and anyone with a general appreciation of the nucleation process are invited to opt for early registration
The course will be divided into five themes, with lectures held and delivered by experts in the fields in a relaxed and welcoming environment at the University of Strathclyde technology and innovation centre in the heart of Glasgow city. The programme is designed primarily to gain insight into nucleation processes and also enjoy a beautiful part of Scotland.
The five themes and experts:

Thermodynamics, Non-classical Nucleation and Nucleation
Prof. Peter Vekilov, University of Houston
Classical Nucleation, Measurements and Simulations
Prof. Joop ter Horst, University of Strathclyde
Molecular Interpretation of Nucleation Behaviour
Prof. Roger Davey, University of Manchester
Secondary Nucleation & shear and laser induced Nucleation
Prof. Jan Sefcik, University of Strathclyde
Pre-nucleation Clusters, Mesocrystals and Biomimetics
Dr. Denis Gebauer, University of Konstanz