ICT CMAC Work Package 3: Intelligent Support Platform


The aim of WP3 is to deliver an intelligent support environment for the crystallisation process using machine learning and statistical modelling. By combining data captured by WP1 with expert process knowledge, the analysis performed in WP3 will inform the control decisions made by WP4.


Work Package 3 Lead – Dr Craig Michie

Dr Craig Michie is a Reader within the Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering at the University of Strathclyde. He graduated with a BSc in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Glasgow in1983 and a PhD ‘Carrier Phase Recovery for Coherent Optical Communication Systems’ again from Glasgow University in 1988.

Dr Michie joined Strathclyde University in 1988 researching into optical sensor systems for structural monitoring. He was made Senior Research fellow in 1991 and joined the Rolls Royce University Technology Centre in 1998. From 2001-2004 Dr Michie was Senior Engineer at Kamelian Limited and following this he joined Scottish Enterprise as a Senior Manager supporting the delivery of a flagship programme Intermediate Technology Institute Techmedia.

Dr Michie returned to Strathclyde in 2006. His current research interests focus in two areas –wireless sensor networks/condition monitoring and semiconductor optical amplifier technologies for communications networks. He is co-founder of a high growth technology company, SilentHerdsman Ltd., providing decision support tools for animal welfare within farming.

Has over 170 technical publications including 9 book chapters, over 40 journal publications, 22 invited conference papers and 8 patents.

Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Strathclyde

Tel: +44 (0)141 548 2521 E-mail:c.michie@strath.ac.uk

Co-Investigator – Dr Robert Atkinson

Dr Robert C Atkinson obtained a BEng(Hons) degree in Electronic and Electrical Engineering from the University of Strathclyde in 1993, he subsequently obtained an MSc in Communications, Control and Digital Signal Processing in 1995 and a PhD in Mobile Communications Systems in 2003 from the same institution. He has operated as an active researcher in a number of industrially focused research programmes, most notably as a Lead Researcher in the UK's Mobile VCE Personal Distributed Environment Work Area. His European research projects include the FP6 funded project, Multinet. His active research interests include Next Generation Networking paradigms, Future Internet Technologies, Mobility Management Protocols, Wireless Characterisation, Autonomic Networking, and emerging 4G systems.

Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Strathclyde

Tel: +44 (0)141 548 2879 E-mail: robert.atkinson@strath.ac.uk

Research Associate – Dr Christos Tachtatzis

Christos holds a BEng (Hons) in Communication Systems Engineering from University of Portsmouth in 2001, an MSc in Communications, Control and Digital Signal Processing from Strathclyde University in 2002 and a PhD from the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow (2008) in Electronic and Electrical Engineering. He spent 2 years working with ITI Techmedia in Ireland before returning to Strathclyde in 2012.

Christos has contributed to a number of research projects in the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, covering both practical and data analysis aspects. Many of the projects were carried out in with industrial partners.

Christos brings expertise in machine learning and data analysis to Work Package 3, where he is working to incorporate expert knowledge gained from CMAC researchers and data from experimental procedures with machine learning routines to build an intelligent decision support framework that will inform the control decisions of Work Package 4.

Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Strathclyde

Tel: +44 (0)141 548 2074 E-mail: christos.tachtatzis@strath.ac.uk