Research Theme 2 -Manufacturing Operations and Supply Chain Management Challenges in Continuous Manufacturing of Solids

The widespread adoption of continuous manufacturing and crystallisation processes in pharmaceutical industrial practice is not solely dependent upon the technical requirements of each process step. For such technologies to become more generally accepted the business case and impact on current industry supply chain configurations needs to be understood.

Here, the overall objective is to address current issues and provide an informed view of the combinations of product and process attributes that would benefit from continuous manufacturing and the potential impact on future supply chain configurations.

These research projects are expected to have wide impact and will underpin a number of user-led projects in the future. The EPSRC Centre will provide a research base and information repository for the Centre's core knowledge and expertise and this Information Portal will be made available for the benefit of all users, and is unencumbered by confidentiality or IP agreements negotiated with specific industrial partners in the user-funded projects area. This research is currently being let by Prof Sir Mike Gregory and Dr Jag Srai (University of Cambridge).

WP-MM1 – Manufacturing operations and supply chain configuration - Analyse and map current state manufacturing operations; Create future state manufacturing operations maps and change over plans.

WP-MM2 – Management control systems. Analyse key management control challenges; Specify new management control systems; Specify and document external regulatory

WP-MM3 – Learning from experiences of other industries. Oil and gas, food and drinks, automotive, FMCG

- Value Chain Road mapping (Commercial Supply Chain), years 1, 3 and 5