ICT CMAC Work Package 4: Robust Plant-Wide Control


The aim of WP4 is to deliver a tailored, agile, self-adaptive and robust plant-wide control strategy. To do this, a model-based predictive-adaptive control framework will be used. A hybrid approach will combine rule-based and data driven systems, including intelligent support information from WP3.


Work Package 4 Lead – Professor Chris Rielly

Chris Rielly has a degree in Chemical Engineering from Imperial College, London and a Ph.D. from the same institution in the field of two-phase flow and mixing in bubble columns and stirred tank reactors. From 1986 to 1999 he was a lecturer in Chemical Engineering at the University of Cambridge, working on various aspects of food process engineering, multi-phase fluid mechanics and mixing. Since 1999 he has been Professor of Chemical Engineering at Loughborough University and is currently Head of Department. He has over 120 publications in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings and has supervised more than 25 PhD students and PDRAs. He is an academic consultant to BHR Group’s Fluid Mixing Processes Industrial Consortium, Chair of the IChemE’s Fluid Mixing Subject Group and member of the EPSRC peer review College.

Department of Chemical Engineering, Loughborough University

Tel: +44 (0)1509 222 504 E-mail: c.d.rielly@lboro.ac.uk

Co-Investigator – Professor Zoltan K. Nagy

Zoltan Nagy is a Research Professor in Process Systems Engineering at Loughborough University and he also holds a professorship in chemical engineering at Purdue University, USA. Previously, he worked at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2001-2003) and at the University of Stuttgart (2003-2005). He has authored 4 books, 9 book chapters, more than 90 archival journal publications and over 130 peer-reviewed proceedings papers, and organized numerous workshops and conferences in the areas of crystallization and control. Professor Nagy is Subject Editor (Pharmaceutical Engineering) for Chemical Engineering Research and Design, and Associate Editor for Control Engineering Practice, Journal of Process Control and Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering. He received best paper awards from many journals and conferences, the Royal Academy of Engineering Excellence in Teaching Award (2007), Chemical Research Collaboration Success Award from the Council for Chemical Research (2009), and is a recipient of the prestigious European Research Council Fellowship (2011), for the project “CrySys – Crystallisation Systems Engineering - Towards a next generation of intelligent crystallization systems”.

Department of Chemical Engineering, Loughborough University

Tel: +44 (0)1509 222 516 E-mail: z.k.nagy@lboro.ac.uk

Research Associate – Qinglin Su

Qinglin received his Bachelors and Masters degrees in Chemical Engineering from the University of Xiamen, China, in 2006 and 2009 respectively. He then studied for his PhD in Chemical Engineering at the National University of Singapore before joining the ICT CMAC project.

For Work Package 4, Qinglin is interested in the development and optimisation of control-relevant simplified mathematical models for integrated continuous crystallisation and secondary manufacturing processes. Based on the plant-wide model, implementation of robustness analysis using efficient uncertainty and variation propagation approaches is also of interest. He is also looking into the design of a robust model-based predictive-adaptive (MPAC) control algorithm for the developed plant-wide system.

Department of Chemical Engineering, Loughborough University

E-mail: q.su@lboro.ac.uk