ICT CMAC Work Package 2: Sensor and Measurement Modelling


WP2 will extract quantitative attributes for crystalline particles across the manufacturing process. Measured data will be used as input to data analysis and inversion techniques which will allow best estimates of particle attributes to be made at a particular process point.


Work Package 2 Lead – Dr Tony Mulholland

Tony Mulholland is a Reader in the Department of Mathematics, University of Strathclyde. After an honours degree in mathematics at the University of Glasgow (1987) he undertook a masters course in industrial mathematics at the University of Strathclyde (1990) before completing his PhD in applied mathematics at Glasgow Caledonian University (1994). His expertise is in the mathematical modelling and simulation of wave processes in heterogeneous and fractal media. He has published over 30 papers in the areas of reaction-diffusion wave propagation in excitable media, heat transfer in fractal deposits, mass transfer of condensing salts in combustion chambers, stochastic optimisation, ultrasonic wave propagation in heterogeneous media and the role of differential geometry in quantum nanostructures. Within CUE he oversees all the modelling developments and is currently involved in a range of projects from optimising the design of the transducer to applications such as passive acoustic imaging in the process industries.

Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Strathclyde

Tel: +44 (0)141 548 2971 E-mail:anthony.mulholland@strath.ac.uk

Co-Investigator – Professor Massimiliano Vasile

Massimiliano Vasile is currently Professor of Space Systems Engineering in the Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering at the University of Strathclyde. Previous to this, he was a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Head of Research for the Space Advanced Research Team at the University of Glasgow. Before starting his academic career in 2004, he was the first member of the ESA Advanced Concepts Team and initiator of the ACT research stream on global trajectory optimisation, mission analysis and biomimicry. His research interests include Computational Optimization, Robust Design and Optimization Under Uncertainty exploring the limits of computer science at solving highly complex problems in science and engineering.

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Strathclyde

Tel: +44 (0)141 548 2326 E-mail:massimiliano.vasile@strath.ac.uk

Research Associate – Dr Okpeafoh Stephen Agimelen

Stephen received a BSc in Physics (First Class Honours) from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria in 2005. He then went through an Erasmus Mundus Master (European Master of Science) in Nuclear Fusion Science and Engineering Physics (FUSION-EP) with studies undertaken at:

Universidad Carlos III, Madrid, Spain and Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain (2007-2008)

Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden (2008)

Stuttgart University, Germany (2009)

His Masters' thesis was undertaken at the Institut für Plasmaforschung (University of Stuttgart), and concerned the study of turbulent transport in a magnetically confined plasma. He then undertook his Doctoral studies at the University of Leeds from 2009 to 2013, with research into modelling shear and extensional deformation in polymeric fluids. Stephen joined the ICT CMAC project as a Research Associate in May 2013 to carry out research into modelling particle size and shape distribution for Work Package 2.

Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Strathclyde

Tel: +44 (0)141 548 5311 E-mail: okpeafoh agimelen@strath.ac.uk