We are delighted to announce that an image in an article by ESRs Carola Tortora and Giuseppe Belletti has been chosen as the cover for an upcoming edition of Chemistry: A European Journal. The article the image is related to is entitled “Photoracemization‐Based Viedma Ripening of a BINOL Derivative” and was co-authored by Svetlana Tsogoeva and Elias Vlieg.
ESRs Carola Tortora and Francesca Cascella's Image Selected as Cover for Scientific Journal
An image in an article by Carola Tortora (based at Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany) and Francesca Cascella (based at the Otto -von- Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany), has been chosen for an upcoming edition of ChemPhysChem..... more
ESR Carola Tortora Passes Viva
Carola Tortora, based at Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany (FAU), has passed her viva..... more