- SPIDER Newsletters

The SPIDER newsletter has been replaced by regular postings in the SPIDER's Blog


- November 2006-May 2007

Newsletter returns - welcome return of the supposedly monthly newsletter...
A sign? - updates to the assignments tool
Remind me - the blogalendar now has reminders
Nov-May Newsletter [686kb pdf]


- June-October 2006

New Records - daily and monthly visit records broken
Focus on... - news targets - staff can speed up posting class news
myDegree - new structure for pooling degree related classes, news and files
June-October Newsletter [427kb pdf]

- April/ May 2006

SPIDEEs 2005-06 - results of this years Virtual SPIDER Awards
Groups - updates to the group tools
Focus on... - Class lists
April/ May Newsletter [306kb pdf]

- March 2006

Access - how Access and MSSQL could work with SPIDER
Accesskeys - adding to SPIDER's accessibility:
Focus on... - Sysinfo
March Newsletter [360kb pdf]

- February 2006

Questions, questions - quesionnaire tool updates
Focus on... - what's new - quick-find the latest files
DIY Class List - Students can add themselves to class lists
February Newsletter [367kb pdf]

- December 2005/January 2006

10.5M - SPIDER has over 10 million page visits in 2005
Focus on... - Discussions (part 2)
Feed me - SPIDER provides RSS news feeds
December/January Newsletter [380kb pdf]


- November 2005

Questions? - extra bits for feedback questionnaires
Focus on... - Discussions (part 1)
Model extensions - extra features for assignments and the ePDP
November Newsletter [406kb pdf]

- October 2005

Browser facts - MS IE still leads, but others slowly increase
Focus on... - SPIDER Class file content
Switch-a-roony - Staff users can now switch between user groups
October Newsletter [525kb pdf]

- August/September 2005

10K - SPIDER breaks the 10,000 user barrier
Focus on... - Attendance Register
New Information - info pages get re-shuffled and a few extras
August/September Newsletter [610kb pdf]

- July 2005

Focus on... - SPIDER v5 ePDP
TV? - Programmes coming to SPIDER
July Newsletter [635kb pdf]

- June 2005

New Faces - new interfaces for SPIDER v5 in development
Focus on... - SPIDER communication tools
Bloggit - SPIDER to add Blogging
June Newsletter [485kb pdf]

- May 2005

SPDP - SPIDER gaining popularity as the ePDP of choice
Focus on... - a look at Groups and Class stats
Colour Magic - Exam results get a splash of colour
May Newsletter [196kb pdf]

- April 2005

Alls quiet - SPIDER's development stands still for the month - read why
Focus on... - a new section highlighting some of SPIDER's lesser known features
Questioning our Education? - the Faculty of Education to pilot SPIDER's Questionnaire system
April Newsletter [201kb pdf]

- March 2005

SPIDER & PEGASUS - SPIDER joins webCT on the PEGASUS VLE tab for auto-login
What the FAQ? - the FAQs are now searchable
LASS - SPIDER's ePDP demonstrated to Law, Arts and Social Sciences
March Newsletter [650kb pdf]

- February 2005

Safe as Houses? - SPIDER uses SSL
ZIP it up and start again - multiple file upload via zip archive for content management
Radiation - database for radiation stock, usage & reporting
February Newsletter [400kb pdf]

- January 2005

Whats up Doc? - SPIDER documentation catch up
Moving Content - class content can now be moved between sessions
Storage - myFiles and myAssingments now with 10Mb storage
January Newsletter [480kb pdf]


- December 2004

RIP SPIDER-DEV - after over 6 years, the SPIDER-development server finally expired
myCounsellees - staff can "label" their students
Latest Stats - see all the big numbers for yourself
December Newsletter [42kb pdf]

- November 2004

SPIDER millions - SPIDER breaks the 1 million visist/month
Discussions - changes to discussion boards
ePDP - Chemistry launch their ePDP system
Databases - Physiology & Pharmacology evaluate COSHH and radiation stock databases
November Newsletter [40kb pdf]

- October 2004

Class tabs - SPIDER now shows material in year by year tabs
PEGASUS integration - class lists now automatically imported from Registry's central Oracle system
Web CT quizzes - SPIDER now able to import webCT quizzes and questionnaires
October Newsletter [41kb pdf]

> SPIDER home
> documentation and help


Want to contribute to SPIDER newsletters? If you have an interesting story or experience about using SPIDER, a case study of how you use the system, then contact Ian Thompson (ian.thompson@strath.ac.uk



Total: 11979
Staff: 1107
Student: 10826
Alumni: 46

Page visits

Today: 3,730