![]() 6. Tools6.3 Staff Tools6.3.5 Students: myCounselleesThe myCounsellees tool allows staff users to create a list of student users who are their tutees or counsellees. This list can be used in messaging and gives the staff member quick access to that students assessment and exam results, acts as an "Early warning system" of poor performance, and gives access to the students ePDP and email address. These featurs are indicated in the image below ![]() Labelling studentsThe myCounsellees tool allows you to group students under labels, so you can group students by year or course for example. By default, students appear under the "All" label. To add a different label to a student:
Adding studentsCounsellees can be added en masse by admin users, but if students are missing from your list, you can add them yourself. To add a student to your list of counsellees:
![]() Removing studentsIf you wish to remove a student from your list, simply click the "remove" link next to that student's details and they will be deleted from your counsellee list. |