WinWCP Updates
04/12/24 WinWCP V5.8.2 |
Update: UDP localhost command interface added. Details can be found in help file. |
25/08/24 WinWCP V5.8.1 |
Bug Fixes CED Micro 1401: Max. no. of digital pulses per stimulus increased to 5000 for Micro & Power 1401s. |
05/08/24 WinWCP V5.8.0 |
Bug Fixes Minor changes required when compiler upgraded to Delphi 11.1 |
24/02/24 WinWCP V5.7.9 |
Update: Waveform Measurement & Curve Fitting: Time of Day variable added (time in seconds from midnight) added. Curve fitting results now held in separate .fpd & .csv files instead of WCP file record headers. |
11/01/24 WinWCP V5.7.8 |
Bug Fix: Stimulus Protocols: Protocol list editing issues fixed. Protocol addition disabled when no list exists. Protocols are now added to list in correct order. |
30/10/23 WinWCP V5.7.7 |
Updates: Seal Test: Auto-scale option can now be toggled using F6 key. |
04/09/23 WinWCP V5.7.6 |
Updates: Seal Test: Holding Voltage setting now preserved. No longer updated to holding voltage in use when seal test window opened. |
10/07/23 WinWCP V5.7.5 |
Bug Fix: DCLAMP: Dynamic Clamp settings now saved and loaded correctly again. |
03/04/23 WinWCP V5.7.4 |
Bug Fix. Digital stimuli on NI 6353 devices disabled to determine if this is a cause of errors when stimulus protocols are run. |
27/2/23 WinWCP V5.7.3 |
Bug Fix: Scaling error in export of files to ABF format when channel gain factors were greater than 1 fixed. |
9/11/22 WinWCP V5.7.2 |
Updates: USB-6002: Min. analogue output update interval reduced from 2ms to 1ms. Waveform Measurement: Analysis cursors and peak mode saved in WCP data file. COM Automation: .FileName propertyb added. |
22/7/22 WinWCP V5.7.1 |
Updates: Waveform Measurement: Level decay time option added allowing measurement of decay time from peak to absolute signal level. |
23/5/22 WinWCP V5.7.0 |
Bug Fix: |
9/3/22 WinWCP V5.6.9 |
Bug Fix: Waveform Measurements: Bug (introduced V5.5.7) fixed. Latency to % of peak setting now used and now relative T0 cursor rather than start of record.. |
21/2/22 WinWCP V5.6.8 |
Bug Fixes: Digidata 1440: Debug code added. A file C:\Users\Public\Documents\SESLABIO\dd1440 log.txt is created containing successful calls to DD1400.Dll library. |
29/1/22 WinWCP V5.6.7 |
Bug Fixes: Heka EPC-10: Settings of 2nd channel of multichannel EPC-10 patch clamps cna now be controlled from WinWCP panel. |
09/12/21 WinWCP V5.6.6 |
Updates: Stimulus Protocols: Frequency increment for sine wave protocols can now be multiplicative as well as additive. CED 1401: Minimum D/A update interval for Power 1401s reduced from 100 microsecs to 10 microsecs. |
02/12/21 WinWCP V5.6.5 |
Bug Fixes: Stimulus Protocol Editor: Initial delay for user-entered waveforms no longer fixed at default of 10ms. All amplitude and time parameters now displayed with 6 figure precision to avoid rounding errors in D/A update interval. Speed of display of large user-defined waveforms increased by limiting display to a sample of 10000 points within waveform. |
29/11/21 WinWCP V5.6.4 |
Digitisers: CED 1401 support updated to make the same as WinEDR V3.9.8 |
22/11/21 WinWCP V5.6.3 |
Digitisers: CED Micro1401 Mk4 now supported. Quantal Analysis: Bug in quantal analysis module which underestimated variance of non-linear summation corrected potentials fixed. Non-linear summation of potentials in synaptic simulation module improved. |
14/09/21 WinWCP V5.6.2 |
Bug Fixes: |
27/08/21 WinWCP V5.6.0 |
Bug Fixes Amplifiers/Digitisers: Tecella Triton panel auto compensation functions now stop sweeps in recording window. |
23/08/21 WinWCP V5.5.9 |
Updates: Amplifiers/Digitisers: Support for Tecella X, 16 channel patch clamp added
17/08/21 WinWCP V5.5.8 |
Updates: Peak-peak option added to waveform measurements module defining waveform peak amplitude as the different between maximum positive and negative deviations. |
04/08/21 WinWCP V5.5.6 |
Bug Fixes Seal Test: Holding voltages for additional stimulus channels now updated when selected using AO check boxes. Amplifiers: WPI EVC-4000 support added. Axoclamp 900A updated but not yet tested with actual hardware. |
23/12/20 WinWCP V5.5.6 |
Bug Fixes On-Line Analysis: Rising Slope to absolute waveform peaks measurement now computed correctly. (Previously, Trise was returned when absolute peaks were selected). |
04/06/20 WinWCP V5.5.5 |
Bug Fixes
WinWCP V5.5.4 |
Updates: Stimulus Protocol: Pulse Staircase waveform added allowing series pulses superimposed upon a rising staircase to be produced. |
28/01/20 WinWCP V5.5.3 |
Bug Fixes |
28/08/19 WinWCP V5.5.2 |
Bug Fixes Digidata 1440-1550B: Now searches correct Axoscope program folder for device driver DLLs on 64 bit systems. |
19/08/19 WinWCP V5.5.1 |
Updates: Waveform Measurements: Latency measurement point on rising edge of waveform can now be set by user to between 0.1% and 100% of waveform peak. |
12/08/19 WinWCP V5.5.0 |
Updates: Waveform Measurements: Abs(Area) measurement added. Integral of absolute signal deviation from baseline within measurement region. |
30/07/19 WinWCP V5.4.9 |
Bug Fix Waveform Measurements: Rise time calculation limits now stoired in WCP data file header. |
16/07/19 WinWCP V5.4.8 |
Updates: Export Files: Records can now exported to ASCII tables as a series of columns containing channels and records. |
08/07/19 WinWCP V5.4.7 |
Updates: |
22/05/19 WinWCP V5.4.6 |
Updates: Seal Test: Large incorrect measurements of Ga,Gm,Cm due to noise/interference now excluded from average and average restricted to most recent measurements. G access computation mode (from peak or exponential amplitude) option setting now preserved in INI file and can be set by .SealTestGaFromPeak Active X command. No. of cell parameter measurements averaged can now be set by.SealTestNumAverages command. Ga,Gm,Cm etc. now displayed as 0 if no data available. |
04/04/19 WinWCP V5.4.5 |
Updates: Seal Test: Reset Avg. button which reset resistance/capacity readout averaging added. Readout average now also reset when settings changed on Pico control panel. |
04/04/19 WinWCP V5.4.3 |
Bug Fixes Protocol Editor: Incorrect extra sweep no longer displayed in digital protocols when No. Records =1 and Increment is non-zero. |
03/04/19 WinWCP V5.4.3 |
Update: Tecella Pico Patch Clamp: Tecella patch clamp control panel user interface rearranged to make capacity and junction potential control more logical and some bugs fixed. New commands added to COM automation interface allowing control of Pico 2 patch clamp (see Help file for details). |
22/02/19 WinWCP V5.4.2 |
Bug Fixes Seal Test: End of steady state averaging region now determined from time of end of test pulse instead of from mid-point of trailing edge of command step, to avoid inclusion of capacity current when command step transitions are slow. |
5/11 /18 WinWCP V5.4.1 |
Update: On Line Plot: Ignore LEAK Records option added to excludeLEAK records from on-line plot. |
24/9 /18 WinWCP V5.4.0 |
Bug Fixes Seal Test: End of holding level averaging region shifted slightly early to avoid it overlapping with test pulse when D/A update interval is longer than sampling interval. Amplifiers: Heka EPC-800 current command output now allocated to a different analog out channel since this amplifier has separate voltage- and current-clamp command inputs. |
22/7 /18 |
Update: On-Line Analysis: Find Cursors button added to Record To Disk window, allowing on-line analysis measurement cursors to be moved to default locations on the display. Allows cursors lost off-screen to be recovered. |
16/7 /18 WinWCP V5.3.8 |
Bug Fix Digidata 1550B: Missing DD1550B.DLL now installed with software. |
05/5 /18 WinWCP V5.3.7 |
Update: Stimulus Protocols: Sine wave protocol added. |
08/5 /18 WinWCP V5.3.5 |
Bug Fixes Tecella Pico: Junction potential offset determined in voltage-clamp mode now subtracted from membrane potential in current-clamp mode. Current stimulus bias current offset can now be added to set stimulus current to zero current-clamp mode. Input selection now adjusted to maintain connection to headstage or model when switching between current- and voltage-clamp modes. |
12/2/18 WinWCP V5.3.4 |
Bug Fixes: Waveform Measurement: Do Analysis measurements greatly speeded up for records containing large numbers of samples by using QuickSort algorithm to sort samples and by limiting % quantile measurements to a selection of no more than 5000 samples. Fixes problem introduced in V5.2.4. |
18/1/18 WinWCP V5.3.3 |
Bug Fixes: Amplifiers: A-M Systems 2400 now reports voltage channel scale factor correctly in current-clamp mode. |
13/12/17 WinWCP V5.3.2 |
Bug Fixes: Real-time Plotting: Position of real-time plot analysis area cursors on recording window now maintained when number of samples/record changes. |
24/11/17 WinWCP V5.3.1 |
Bug Fixes: NI interfaces: Unsupported function error when A/D sampling started, introduced in V5.3.0, fixed. |
21/11/17 WinWCP V5.3.0 |
Bug Fixes: NI USB-600X interfaces: D/A update rate limited to no more than 500 Hz to avoid intermittent 5s delays at end of recording sweeps. |
21/9/17 WinWCP V5.2.9 |
Bug Fixes: Updates: Axopatch 200 and AMS-2400: Switching of secondary (potential) input channels between amplifier current/voltage outputs when changing between voltage- and current-clamp mode can now be accomplished by software mapping of analogue inputs.
28/4/17 WinWCP V5.2.7 |
Bug Fix: |
17/3/17 WinWCP V5.2.6 |
Bug Fix: Record to Disk: Unwanted stimulus produced in first Free Run recording sweep after a stimulus protocol now prevented. |
3/3/17 WinWCP V5.2.5 |
Bug Fixes: Recompiled using Delphi XE6 to fix missing property error when opening Waveform Measurement and other windows. Waveform measurements and curve fitting window also now be closed without errors when analysis or curve fitting in progress. |
1/3/17 WinWCP V5.2.4 |
Updates: On-line Analysis: Between cursors average measurement added. Cursors and plot selections now stored in INI file. |
9/11/16 WinWCP V5.2.3 |
Bug Fixes: Digidata 1550B: rebuilt DD1550B.dll. To determine if this fixes inability to detect 1550B devices. |
6/10/16 WinWCP V5.2.2 |
Bug Fixes: Digidata 1550B: Missing DD1550B.DLL now included in installation files. |
30/9/16 WinWCP V5.2.1 |
Updates: Molecular Devices: Support added for Digidata 1550B. |
31/8/16 WinWCP V5.2.0 |
Bug Fixes: Record To Disk: Current amplitude scaling of records saved to file now updated correctly again if amplifier gain is changed during recording (fixes bug introduced in V5.1.7). |
17/8/16 WinWCP V5.1.9 |
Bug Fixes: Amplifiers: Axoclamp 2B default current scaling factors now correct.
5/8/16 WinWCP V5.1.8 |
Updates: DClamp: Dynamic clamp parameters now updated when control panel window opened. Seal Test: Holding potential setting in use now updated with default holding potential of selected amplifier. |
13/7/16 WinWCP V5.1.7 |
Bug Fixes: Curve Fitting: Access violation when T=0 cursor > half of display width fixed.
Heka Interfaces (ITC16/18 etc.):
Default holding potential no longer set to zero between stimulus protocols.
Digidata 1550/A: Modifed to fix access violation when external sweep/protocol trigger selected (not tested yet).
16/3/16 WinWCP V5.1.6 |
Bug Fixes: Record to Disk: View->Superimpose traces menu option now works again in recording window. Traces now superimpose on the display.
22/2/16 WinWCP V5.1.5 |
Bug Fixes: Digidata 1440: "Error writing to device" error which occurred when external trigger recording mode was selected on systems running Windows 7 (64 bit) fixed. |
9/2/16 WinWCP V5.1.4 |
Bug Fixes: Digidata 1440/1550/1550A: wdapi1140.dll now correctly loaded under Windows XP operating system. File Open: File name box in file open dialog now cleared to ensure that available files are displayed. |
4/2/16 WinWCP V5.1.3 |
Bug Fixes: Multiclamp 700A: Detected amplifier channels now correctly assigned to Amplifiers #1 and #2 (rather than Amplifers #3 and #4). |
8/1/16 WinWCP V5.1.2 |
Bug Fixes: Digidata 1440/1550/1550A: Now loads DLLs from C:\Users\Public\Documents\SESLABIO rather than WinWCP program folder. XML Settings files: Now ensures no. of input channels >= 1 when loaded from settings file. XML settings file now checked for settings records to avoid access violation if not present. |
18/11/15 WinWCP V5.1.1 |
Bug Fixes: Record to Disk: Marker Add button removed. Marker text added automatically. Signal Editor:Â Repeated display update problem when multiple channels in file fixed. |
02/10/15 WinWCP V5.1.0 |
Bug Fixes: Edit->Copy Data: Data arrays larger than 10000 points now compressed into <20000 before transfer to clipboard. Axoclamp 900A: Changes to support but still not tested with hardware. |
02/10/15 WinWCP V5.0.9 |
Updates: Seal Test: Zap function added. DCLAMP: Half-maximal voltages for steady-state activation and inactivation and time constants can now be incremented separately. Parameter incrementing can now take place at end of protocol or after a specified number of records. |
26/8/15 WinWCP V5.0.8 |
Updates: Bug Fixes:Â |
14/8/15 WinWCP V5.0.7 |
Bug Fixes: Export: Leak subtracted, averages and driving function files now correctly exported. Record to disk: Erroneous sample values corrupting first sample in P/4 leak subtraction records fixed. |
12/8/15 WinWCP V5.0.6 |
Bug Fixes: Digidata 1440A: Now correctly loads DD1440.DLL once more (fixing bug introduced V4.9.8). |
10/8/15 WinWCP V5.0.5 |
Bug Fixes: Plotting Records: Large signal records now correcty compressed using min-max envelope plotting (rather than only plotting min). |
04/8/15 WinWCP V5.0.4 |
Bug Fixes: Plotting Records: Signal records now plotted on printers and copied to clipboard correctly (fixes. bug introduced in V4.9.8). Records in waveform measurements window can now be superimposed. |
28/7/15 WinWCP V5.0.3 |
Updates: Stimulus Protocols: New analogue and digital pulse train waveforms with pulse interval defined as frequency and incrementable by frequency. Amplifiers: Dagan BVC-700A added. Bug Fixes: National Instruments interfaces: Error introduced in V4.9.6 which caused A/D input channels to be corrupted when No, Samples (per channel) was NOT fixed, corrected. |
27/7/15 WinWCP V5.0.2 |
Update: Digidata 1440: Analog input offset calibration factors can now be modified by placing a file digidata 1440 adc offsets.txt containing a list of offset values in the folder ..\user\public\public documents\seslabio\. |
13/7/15 WinWCP V5.0.1 |
Bug Fixes: Digidata 1550: Separate 32/64 bit version of wdapi1140.dll created for 32/64 bit Windows 7. |
13/7/15 WinWCP V5.0.0 |
Bug Fixes: Digidata 1440/1550: axdd1400.dll and dd1550.dll updated to load under Windows 7 (64 bit). |
13/7/15 WinWCP V4.9.9 |
Bug Fixes: Export: Long file names no longer corrupted by being split across lines in export list. |
10/7/15 WinWCP V4.9.8 |
Updates: Interfaces: Support for Digidata 1550 and Digidata 1550A added (tested with 1550A). Signal Display: Display writing speed now greatly increased for records with large numbers of samples/record by using min/max envelope plotting rather than plotting every point. |
18/6/15 WinWCP V4.9.7 |
Bug Fixes: Dynamic Clamp:Negative steps in activation V1/2 now allowed. |
17/6/15 WinWCP V4.9.6 |
Updates: Heka interfaces: Digital stimulus output protocols are now supported on Heka and Instrutech interface units. Mappings between WinWCP recording channels and physical ADC Inputs can also now be redefined by the user in the AI Ch column of the Input Channels table in the Amplifiers & Channels setup dialog box.
Stimulus Protocols: The number of A/D samples/channels is now adjusted when the A/D sampling interval is changed, to maintain a constant recording duration (and vice versa). Dynamic Clamp: A dynamic clamp control panel (controlling the Strathclyde dynamic clamp unit) has been integrated into WinWCP. Dynamic clamp conductance model parameters can be automatically incremented after each recording sweep. |
6/6/15 WinWCP V4.9.5 |
Updates: Export: Multiple WCP data files can now be selected for export and individual channels now can be selected for all output formats.
3/6/15 WinWCP V4.9.4 |
Bug Fixes: Amplifiers: Amplifier gain setting box in Seal test and Record to disk windows now correctly updated with user-entered current units (pA/nA/uA) in current-clamp mode. |
5/5/15 WinWCP V4.9.3 |
Bug Fixes: Amplifiers: Multiclamp 700A/B amplifier channel #1 of second amplifier should now correctly assigned as Amplifier #3. |
24/4/15 WinWCP V4.9.2 |
Bug Fixes: Amplifiers: Multiclamp 700A/B amplifier channels now correctly assigned to analog input channels when 2 amplifiers in use. CED 1902: DC offset now works correctly. |
10/4/15 WinWCP V4.9.1 |
Bug Fixes: Import: Sampling interval of multi-channel ABF files now read correctly (no longer XNo. Channels too large. Record to Disk: Signal input channel zero levels now default to Fixed Level (rather than From Record). |
24/3/15 WinWCP V4.9.0 |
Updates: DCLAMP: Dynamic clamp control panel added. Can now change dynamic clamp conductance after each recording sweep. |
12/3/15 WinWCP V4.8.9 |
Bug Fixes: Loading WCP data files: Invalid date format error now fixed when loading WCP data files created on computer systems with yyyy-mm-dd system date format selected. |
12/2/15 WinWCP V4.8.8 |
Bug Fixes: Tecella patch clamps: Now works correctly with Triton+, supporting 16 channels. |
15/12/14 WinWCP V4.8.7 |
Bug Fixes: ABF File Import: ABF files now imported correctly again. Protocol Editor: Settings of last changed waveform element no longer reset to default when a new element added to waveform sequence. Amplifiers ( Axoclamp 2): current stimulus output on AO1 now correctly scaled. Amplifiers ( Multiclamp 700A/B): Communications link between WinWCP and Multiclamp Commander can be re-established by selected Setup->Reset Multiclamp 700A/B Link. |
20/10/14 WinWCP V4.8.6 |
Bug Fixes: Digidata 132X: Error in stimulus waveform durations when number of A/D channels differ from D/A channels fixed. |
15/10/14 WinWCP V4.8.4 |
Bug Fix: Heka ITC-16/18. Stimulus protocol recording sweeps now initiated correctly without jitter in timing of pulses and access violation errors. Update: |
18/09/14 WinWCP V4.8.4 |
Bug Fix: Current scaling factor for Axoclamp 2 command current channel (AO1) now recognised correctly |
15/09/14 WinWCP V4.8.3 |
Updates: National Instruments: PCI-6281 and other 18 bit resolution interfaces now supported. |
15/08/14 WinWCP V4.8.2 |
Updates: National Instruments: Support for USB-6000 - USB-6005 devices added. ABF Files: Gap-free format ABF files are now imported into a single record. Stimulus protocol files are now correctly detected and listed again in newly installed versions of WinWCP. |
25/07/14 WinWCP V4.8.1 |
Bug Fixes:
Multiclamp 700A: Fixed problems introduced by update V4.7.3. Should now be detected again.
23/07/14 WinWCP V4.8.0 |
Bug Fixes:
Multiclamp 700B: Error when used with V1.X MultiClamp Commander fixed.
30/06/14 WinWCP V4.7.9 |
Bug Fixes:
Heka ITC-18: Yet more bugs fixed.
28/06/14 WinWCP V4.7.8 |
Bug Fixes:
Heka ITC-18:Â More bugs fixed. Now works correctly with recording sweeps with more than 50,000 samples. Detect Events recording mode now works. Corruption of analog output waveform fixed.
26/06/14 WinWCP V4.7.7 |
Bug Fixes:
Waveform Measurement:Memory access violation when peak signal is first point in record fixed.
Heka ITC-18 Memory access violation in Free run and Ext trigger recording modes fixed. Externally triggered protocols now work. Updates: Recording: From Record zero level mode now available in recording as well as replay windows. Measurement zero levels for on-line analysis plots can now be computed from a specified regions of each record.
15/05/14 WinWCP V4.7.6 |
Updates: Analog signal input channels names now have amplifier numbers appended when more than one amplifier in use. |
14/04/14 WinWCP V4.7.5 |
Bug Fixes:
Floating point exception when opening Tecella Triton-Plus now fixed. Padding at end of stimulus waveforms reduced from 1s to 100ms to speed up stimulus repetition rate. |
25/03/14 WinWCP V4.7.4 |
Updates: Bug Fixes:
RS compensation now works on Heka EPC-10 control panel and no longer produces access violation on startup. |
22/01/14 WinWCP V4.7.3 |
Updates: |
19/12/13 WinWCP V4.7.2 |
Updates: Multiclamp 700B: More multiclamp messages written to WinWCP log file. This version may recognise 2 amplifiers. |
17/12/13 WinWCP V4.7.1 |
Updates: Multiclamp 700B: Additional multiclamp messages written to WinWCP log file to assist debugging of 2 amplifier communications. |
05/12/13 WinWCP V4.6.9 |
Updates: A/D input channel remapping now supported for CED 1401s, Digidata 132X and 1440 and ITC16 and ITC18. 2 Axon Multiclamp 700 B amplifiers (4 channels) now supported. Bug Fixes: Load/saving of amplifier/channel settings now works correctly. Log files no longer placed on desktop. Problems with CED 1401-plus (introduced in V4.6.7) now fixed. |
23/9/2013 WinWCP V4.6.7 |
Updates Support for Heka EPC-9 and EPC-10 added (and also alternative support for Instrutech ITC-1600, ITC-18 and ITC-16).
Support for CED Power 1401 Mk3 added. Note Only 2 analog outputs currently supported. Bug Fixes: IMPORTANT: 2.5 fold error in ADC (introduced in V4.6.1) now fixed. Dates and times now stored/read in UK date order in file header to fix invalid date format errors in US, introduced in V4.6.4. National Instruments devices: Analog inputs 8-15 can now be remapped by user to inputs 16-23 in devices supporting more than 16 inputs, to allow more than 8 channels in differential input mode. |
27/8/2013 WinWCP V4.6.5 |
Bug Fixes: Amplifiers: Dagan CA-1B Oocyte clamp support fixed. |
27/8/2013 WinWCP V4.6.4 |
Updates: Time of start of recording now included in WCP file header and time of day of record acquisition now shown in record display window in addition to elapsed time.
26/8/2013 WinWCP V4.6.3 |
Updates: Record to Disk: window can now be opened without first opening a new data file (file created automatically). Stimulus protocols: Pulse train waveform enhanced to allow period of pulses within train to be incremented/decremented between recording sweeps. Four global variables have been added allowing parameters in multiple waveforms/protocols to be changed by setting a single common value. Bug Fixes: |
7/6/2013 WinWCP V4.6.2 |
Bug Fixes Laboratory Interfaces: Floating point errors on startup produced by out of range channel scale factors now provented. |
19/3/2013 WinWCP V4.6.1 |
Bug Fixes: CED 1401: Attempt to fix divide by zero error occurring with Micro 1401 Mk1 in V4.6.0. Invalid CED 1401 clock periods now set to be 0.25 microseconds if found to be 0.0. |
17/3/2013 WinWCP V4.6.0 |
Updates: CED 1401:High speed clock now used for timing of A/D and D/A updates allowing more precise setting of sampling intervals. |
16/3/ 2013 WinWCP V4.5.9 |
Bug Fixes: CED 1401: Sampling interval now rounded to nearest clock tick value rather than truncated to nearest lower value. |
22/2/ 2013 WinWCP V4.5.8 |
Updates: |
28/1/ 2013 WinWCP V4.5.7 |
Bug Fixes: National Instruments cards: "A/D input mode not supported by this device" error with PCI-615X cards fixed (pseudo differential input mode now only used with PCI-611X cards). |
16/1/ 2013 WinWCP V4.5.3 |
Updates: Leak subtraction: Flickering cursor with repeated display cursor updates when 3 or more channels in data file fixed. |
18/9/ 2012 WinWCP V4.5.4 |
Bug Fixes: CED1401: Micro1401 Mk3 now recognised and number of A/D and D/A channels set correctly. Heka EPC-800: Default command voltage scaling factor now set to 0.1 V/V. Stimulus Protocols: Number of samples inanalog and digital pulse waveforms now the same when same type of waveform selected and update rates are same. |
3/9/ 2012 WinWCP V4.5.3 |
Updates: |
25/6/ 2012 WinWCP V4.5.2 |
Bug Fixes: CED 1401: "Unable to find use1432.dll " error occurring with latest versions of CED1401 driver software now fixed. Version of use1432.dll compatible with WinWCP now loaded from c:\winwcp. |
15/6/ 2012 WinWCP V4.5.1 |
Updates: CED 1401: Record sample buffer size increased to 8000000 samples. Bug Fixes: Stimulus Editor: Recording parameters table now filled correctly when no default protocol exists. Opened and Saved protocols now selected as default protocol if none already defined. |
17/4/ 2012 WinWCP V4.5.0 |
Updates: |
2/4/ 2012 WinWCP V4.4.9 |
Updates: Pico: Use of C slowA-D components can now be enabled/disabled in automatic capacity compensation. |
15/3/ 2012 WinWCP V4.4.8 |
Updates: Amplifiers Setup: Scale factors of Axopatch 200, AMS 2400 and Optopatch can now be modified by user. Disabling of telegraph inputs now enables manual gain/mode setting mode. Default current command scale factor for AMS 2400 patch clamp now set to 2E-9. Stimulus Protocols: A/D sampling interval can now be directly defined as one of the recording settings. A/D sampling and D/A update intervals can now be set to exactly the same value and seal test window no longer limits the value that can be set for the D/A update interval. Seal Test: Test pulses can now be sent to more than one analog output channel. Tecella Pico: Updated to TecellaAmp V0.119.84. I=0 configuration removed. Current stimulus enable/disable option added which switches between current clamp and (I=0) voltage follower mode. Voltage scaling now correct in current clamp mode. Record to Disk: Data files are now opened in sharedenywrite mode allowing other programs to open WCP data files while they are being acquired by WinWCP for read-only access. |
24/1/ 2012 WinWCP V4.4.7 |
Bug Fix: Seal Test: Voltage & current pulse amplitudes now computed correctly when holding potential is non-zero. Fixes bug introduced in V4.4.5. |
18/1/ 2012 WinWCP V4.4.6 |
Bug Fix: Pico: X2 error in scaling of currents in ICLAMP modes fixed. Note 30% current scaling errors in ICLAMP (2.55nA and 25.5nA modes still exist. |
16/1/ 2012 WinWCP V4.4.5 |
Bug Fixes: |
23/12/ 2011 WinWCP V4.4.3 |
Updates: Tecella Pico: D/A stimulus streaming mode can now be disabled. Bug Fixes: COM interface initialised before calls to XML file parser to fix random OLE system errors and memory access violations when stimulus protocols loaded and saved and Tecella settings saved/loaded. |
20/12/ 2011 WinWCP V4.4.2 |
Updates: Record sample buffer size of Instrutech ITC-16 & ITC-18 interface cards increased to 4194304 samples. Bug Fixes: COM interface initialised before calls to XML file parser to fix random OLE system errors and memory access violations |
18/11/ 2011 WinWCP V4.4.1 |
Updates: Bug Fixes: |
18/11/ 2011 WinWCP V4.4.0 |
Updates: Curve Fit: Data points for fitted functions now copied to clipboard by Edit/Copy Data in addition to signal data points. Simulations: No. of samples per record can now be defined in simulation windows. |
7/11/ 2011 WinWCP V4.3.9 |
Bug Fixes: Memory access violation error no longer occurs when Digidata 1320/22 interface selected in Laboratory Interface setup box. |
2/11/ 2011 WinWCP V4.3.8 |
Updates: |
18/10/ 2011 WinWCP V4.3.7 |
Bug Fixes: Laboratory Interface Setup: A/D voltage range setting is now preserved when device # is changed. Model name is now updated correctly when device number is changed. National Instruments cards: PCIe6229 card D/A voltage range now set correctly 50 +/-10V rather than (+/-5V). Absence of D/A outputs now detected correctly for USB-6110 devices. Error messages now disabled when D/A output voltage exceeds available limits. Cairn Optopatch: Default command voltage scale factor now set to 100 mV/V. |
22/9/ 2011 WinWCP V4.3.5 |
Bug Fixes: Heka EPC-800 telegraphs now supported correctly. Stack overflow which occurred when switching between Input Channels & Amplifiers setup page on some systems fixed. A/D Converter voltage range (in Laboratory Interface setup page) now retained correctly when program restarted. |
24/8/ 2011 WinWCP V4.3.4 |
Updates: Seal Test: Display can now be zoomed in on horizontal axis. Floating point error when Record to Disk window opened with Multiclamp 700 amplifier selected fixed. |
20/7/ 2011 WinWCP V4.3.3 |
Updates: *Now supports up to 4 analog outputs (depending on lab. interface) and 8 digital channels. Record to Disk Help Files National Instruments Cards Data File Names |
7/6/ 2011 WinWCP V4.3.2 |
Updates: Tecella PICO: Digital leak subtraction and digital artefact removal options added to automatic capacity/leak current compensation. |
20/5/ 2011 WinWCP V4.3.1 |
Updates: Tecella PICO: No. of samples in recording sweep can now be set by user (256-32768). Wider range of recording sweep durations available. Voltage ramp stimuli now supported (for voltage clamp (+/-255mV) mode only). |
10/5/ 2011 WinWCP V4.3.0 |
Updates: Current/voltage mode telegraph now supported in AM-Systems 2400 patch clamp. |
21/4 /2011 WinWCP V4.2.9 |
Updates: Tecella amplifiers now supported using TecellaAmp.dll V0.119.54. Current clamp now scaled correctly. CED Power 1401 digital outputs now work correctly (output no longer inverted). CED 1401 16 bit (10V) can now be selected without memory violation errors. |
7/3 /2011 WinWCP V4.2.8 |
Updates: Support for National Instruments USB 6008 and 6009 low cost interfaces added. |
9/2 /2011 WinWCP V4.2.7 |
Bug Fix: Incorrect scaling of command voltages when A/D input voltage range is set less than +/- 10V fixed. |
9/2 /2011 WinWCP V4.2.6 |
Updates: Additional pair of measurement region cursors added to on-line analysis module, allowing waveform measurements to be plotted from two distinct regions of the recording sweep. |
8/2 /2011 WinWCP V4.2.5 |
Updates: National Instruments I/O boards: Min./max. sampling rates and availability of analog and digital outputs now determined from device information in library (requires NIDAQ-mx V8 or newer). |
/1 /2011 |
Updates: Support for Tecella PICO improved. Amplifier calibration now stored in file. |
10 /12 /2010 WinWCP V4.2.3 |
Updates: Program automatically request elevation to run with administrator privileges when run under Windows 7 or Vista. |
17/9 /2010 WinWCP V4.2.2 | Updates: Support for Heka EPC800 amplifier added. Bug Fixes: Waveform measurements: X1000 scaling error in times when 'ms' units selected fixed. Curve Fitting: Errors when opening curve fitting window with pre V4.1.6 data files fixed. |
8/9 /2010 WinWCP V4.2.1 | Updates: Zap cell function added to Tecella patch clamp control panel. Bug Fixes: Device numbers for NI cards limited to dev1-dev9 range. |
26/8 /2010 WinWCP V4.2.0 |
Bug Fixes: Divide by zero error which occurred when stimulus protocols had no waveforms on palette fixed. P/N leak subtraction now works correctly with stimulus protocols containing waveforms with repeats at a each voltage step. Updates: Beta test support for Tecella PICO patch clamp added, including current-clamp and user configuration. A number of problems (including scaling of currents) still outstanding. |
23/7/2010 WinWCP V4.1.9 |
Bug Fixes: |
1/6/2010 WinWCP V4.1.7 |
Bug Fixes |
/5/2010 WinWCP V4.1.6 |
Updates: |