5/02/25 WinEDR V4.1.6 |
Bug Fixes Protocol Editor: Number format in Protocol Editor tables extended to correctly display 0.001 ms pulse durations. |
8/10/24 WinEDR V4.1.5 |
Bug Fixes EventDetector: Bugs in event filtering on Event Interval and Peak amplitude fixed. F2 key now deletes events without first clicking on event display window. |
1/8/24 WinEDR V4.1.4 |
Bug Fixes Export: "Unable to Create" error when exporting files in Igor IBW format fixed. |
19/6/24 WinEDR V4.1.3 |
Bug Fixes Event Detector: a0-a1 cursor positions now maintained relative to detection point when event display duration changed. a0-a1 cursors now initialised to start of edit record to trigger point + dead time. |
16/6/24 WinEDR V4.1.2 |
Bug Fixes Event Detector: Fixed baseline option no longer required. Peak(rel) Peak(abs) variables added. Zero levels can be set using pop-up dialog. Copy->Data no longer drops data points, skewing timing of channels. |
8/6/24 WinEDR V4.1.1 |
Bug Fixes Event Detector: Access violation when opening event detector (introduced V4.1.0) fixed. DIsplay windows size limited to 1000000 points |
27/4/24 WinEDR V4.1.0 |
Bug Fixes Form positions now saved to INI file. Order than MDI child forms closed changed to high->low to avoid access violations when more than 2 forms closed. Left/Right arrow cursor control keys now work better to move display readout/analysis cursor. Mutex Dempster.WinEDR now used to prevent more than one instance of WinEDR.exe program running. |
30/10/23 WinEDR V4.0.9 |
Updates: Seal test: auto scale option can now be toggled using F6 key. Test holding potentials no longer set to default holding potential when seal test window opened. |
25/08/23 WinEDR V4.0.8 |
Bug Fixes Event Detector: Controls no longer drop of bottom of page on low resolution displays. Delete Events button now disabled when no events in list.. F1/F2 function keys now only operate when Edit Events page displayed |
25/07/23 WinEDR V4.0.7 |
Updates: Event Analysis: Waveform decay time can now be measured to absolute signal level in addition % of peak, |
24/05/23 WinEDR V4.0.6 |
Bug Fix Digidata 1550B: Missing dd1550b.dll now included in program folder. |
24/05/23 WinEDR V4.0.4 |
Bug Fixes Record To Disk: EDR file header size now expands to make space for extra keywords when more than 16 channels in use. Failure to write data to file when sampling intervals longer than 50ms fixed. |
WinEDR V4.0.4 |
Updates: Record To Disk: Continuous recording option added.
24/06/22 WinEDR V4.0.3 |
Updates: Event Detector: Detection threshold can now be set to user-defined multiple of signal standard deviation. Mid-point alignment algorithm improved to be more robust when waveforms are noisy. |
23/05/22 WinEDR V4.0.2 |
Bug Fix: Tecella Pico 2: Ext. Trigger & Ext. Stimulus Trigger options now work. |
9/03/22 WinEDR V4.0.1 |
Bug Fix: Event Detector: Set Ampl. = 4*SD button now works. |
16/01/22 WinEDR V4.0.0 |
Bug Fix: Event Detector: Mislaignment of mid-point of rise on to previous event for high frequency events fixed. Heka EPC-10: Do8uble channel patch clamps now supported. |
16/01/22 WinEDR V3.9.9 |
Bug Fix: COM Automation now working again. |
29/11/21 WinEDR V3.9.8 |
Updates: Digitisers: CED Micro 140 Mk2 now supported. Bug Fix: Stimulus Editor: Stimulus protocol files now visible in Open/Save dialog boxes. |
21/8/21 WinEDR V3.9.7 |
Updates: Amplifiers: Support for Tecella Triton X 16 channel patch clamp added. |
9/8/21 WinEDR V3.9.6 |
Bug Fixes:Ampmodule.pas: Copied from WinWCP.Axoclamp 900A updated, not tested yet with hardware. SealTest.pas: Pulse rate now faster. Holding potential now updated for Ao channels selected by tick box. |
3/6/21 WinEDR V3.9.5 |
Updates: Detect Events: Detected events cab now be aligned by max. rate of rise or by mid-point of rise. Edit Menu: Save to Data File item added, which saves data of displayed signal or plot to a CSV file. |
5/5/21 WinEDR V3.9.4 |
Bug Fixes Detect Events: Slight misalignment of event detection point from mid-point of rise for multi-channel recordings fixed. |
28/4/21 WinEDR V3.9.3 |
Updates Amplifiers: WPI EVC-4000 added. Detect Events: Event waveform measurments can now be exported in a csv text file. |
16/3/21 WinEDR V3.9.2 |
Bug Fixes Detect Events: Every detection point now set to mid-point of rising edge for all detection modes. TauRise and TauDecay for template detection mode now preserved in EDR file. |
28/8/19 WinEDR V3.9.1 |
Bug Fixes Detect Events: Baseline tracking enabled/disabled option now works correctly. Detection mode,thresholds and other settings now preserved in EDR data file header. |
28/8/19 WinEDR V3.9.0 |
Bug Fixes Detect Events: Vertical display area of detection criterion display no longer drifts off scale when user shifts zero level.
24/7/19 WinEDR V3.8.9 |
Bug Fix Event Detection: Baseline tracking in threhold detection mode can now be disabled. |
24/9/18 WinEDR V3.8.6 |
Bug Fix Amplifiers: Heka EPC-800 current command output now allocated to a different analog out channel since this amplifier has separate voltage- and current-clamp command inputs. |
08/5/18 WinEDR V3.8.5 |
Bug Fixes |
22/3/18 WinEDR V3.8.4 |
Update: Record to Disk: Start on Record option added, allowing stimulus protocols to be automatically started when the Record button is pressed. |
22/3/18 WinEDR V3.8.3 |
Bug Fixes: Chart Data File Import: Channel input voltage ranges now read correctly allowing files to be re-exported in Axon ABF V1.6. format without errors in channel scaling factors. |
18/1/18 WinEDR V3.8.2 |
Bug Fixes: Amplifiers: A-M Systems 2400 now reports voltage channel scale factor correctly in current-clamp mode. |
10/1/18 WinEDR V3.8.1 |
Bug Fixes: |
24/11/17 WinEDR V3.8.0 |
Bug Fixes: NI interfaces: Unsupported function error when A/D sampling started, introduced in V5.3.0, fixed. |
21/11/17 WinEDR V3.7.9 |
Bug Fixes: NI USB-600X interfaces: D/A update rate limited to no more than 500 Hz to avoid intermittent 5s delays at end of recording sweeps. |
30/10/17 WinEDR V3.7.8 |
Bug Fixes: Heka EPC-10-USB: lih88driver.dll now included in program folder. Updates: Axopatch 200 and AMS-2400: Switching of secondary (potential) input channels between amplifier current/voltage outputs when changing between voltage- and current-clamp mode can now be accomplished by software mapping of analogue inputs. |
28/04/17 WinEDR V3.7.5 |
Bug Fix: NI PCI-6010 interface card Card can now be selected without producing error messages. |
16/02/17 WinEDR V3.7.4 |
Bug Fixes: Record to Disk: Real time fluoresence ratio and ion concentration computed channels now work correctly. Signal readout is now correct. Ch.0 can now be used as ratio channel. Ratio channel name now updated to reflect channels being ratioed. |
6/10/16 WinEDR V3.7.3 |
Bug Fixes: Digidata 1550B: Missing DD1550B.DLL now included in installation files. |
30/916 WinEDR V3.7.2 |
Updates: Molecular Devices: Support for Digidata 1550B added. |
17/8/16 WinEDR V3.7.1 |
Bug Fixes: Amplifiers: Axoclamp 2B default current scaling factors now correct.
13/7/16 WinEDR V3.7.0 |
Bug Fixes: Heka Interfaces (ITC16/18 etc.): Default holding potential no longer set to zero between stimulus protocols.
Digidata 1550/A: Modifed to fix access violation when external sweep/protocol trigger selected (not tested yet).
5/6/16 WinEDR V3.6.9 |
Bug Fixes: Amplifiers: Amplifer settings.xml now correctly stored in'C:\Users\Public\Documents\WinEDR' rather than 'C:\Users\Public\Documents\WinWCP' |
9/2/16 WinEDR V3.6.8 |
Updates: Seal Test & Signal Monitor: Zap button to apply a high amplitude current pulse for whole cell breakthrough added. Bug Fixes: MultiClamp 700A/B: 700A support now working again. |
9/2/16 WinEDR V3.6.7 |
Bug Fixes: D igidata 1440/1550/1550A: wdapi1140.dll now correctly loaded under Windows XP operating system. File Open: File name box in file open dialog now cleared to ensure that available files are displayed. |
8/1/16 WinEDR V3.6.6 |
Bug Fixes: Digidata 1440/1550/1550A: Now loads DLLs from C:\Users\Public\Documents\SESLABIO rather than WinWCP program folder. XML Settings files: Now ensures no. of input channels >= 1 when loaded from settings file. XML settings file now checked for settings records to avoid access violation if not present. |
16/10/15 WinEDR V3.6.5 |
Bug Fixes: Edit->Copy Data: Data point arrays > 10000 points now compressed to less than 20000 before copying to clipboard. |
26/8/15 WinEDR V3.6.4 |
Bug Fixes:
12/8/15 WinEDR V3.6.3 |
Bug Fixes: Digidata 1440A: Now correctly loads DD1440.DLL once more (fixing bug introduced V4.9.8). |
10/8/15 WinEDR V3.6.2 |
Updates: Plotting Records: Min-Max compression of large signal traces now integrated into scopedisplay component rather than WinEDR program. |
4/8/15 WinEDR V3.6.1 |
Bug Fixes: Plotting Records: Signal records now plotted on printers and copied to clipboard correctly (fixes. bug introduced in V3.5.8). |
13/7/15 WinEDR V3.6.0 |
Bug Fixes: Digidata 1550: Separate 32/64 bit version of wdapi1140.dll created for 32/64 bit Windows 7. |
13/7/15 WinEDR V3.5.9 |
Bug Fixes: Digidata 1440/1550: axdd1400.dll and dd1550.dll updated to load correctly under Windows 7 (64 bit) |
10/7/15 WinEDR V3.5.8 |
Updates: Interfaces: Support for Digidata 1550 and Digidata 1550A added (tested with 1550A). |
12/2/15 WinEDR V3.5.6 |
Updates: DCLAMP: Dynamic clamp control panel added. |
12/2/15 WinEDR V3.5.5 |
Bug Fixes: Updates: Export: Matlab .MAT data file added to list of export file formats. |
3/12/14 WinEDR V3.5.4 |
Updates: Single Channel Analysis: Event durations, amplitudes and standard deviation can now be exported as an Export Event List option. Average event amplitude vs closed time and Average event amplitude vs Dwell time plots added to stability plot page. Bug Fixes: Amplifiers (Axoclamp 2): current stimulus output on AO1 now correctly scaled. Amplifiers (Multiclamp 700A/B): Communications link between WinWCP and Multiclamp Commander can be re-established by selected Setup->Reset Multiclamp 700A/B Link. |
3/12/14 WinEDR V3.5.3 |
Bug Fix: Import of ABF V2.0 files now works correctly. |
20/10/14 WinEDR V3.5.2 |
Bug Fix: Digidata 132X: Error in stimulus waveform durations when number of A/D channels differ from D/A channels fixed. |
15/10/14 WinEDR V3.5.1 |
Bug Fix: Record to Disk: Analog digital converter input range no longer reverts to +/-10V when Record to Disk window opens.
File Import: Blank lines in the text file no longer cause the importing to stop.
15/10/14 WinEDR V3.5.0 |
Bug Fix: ITC-16/18: Support updated to fix problem with WinWCP should not affect WinEDR. |
18/09/14 WinEDR V3.4.9 |
Bug Fix: Current scaling factor for Axoclamp 2 command current channel (AO1) now recognised correctly. |
15/09/14 WinEDR V3.4.8 |
Updates: National Instruments: PCI-6281 and other 18 bit resolution interfaces now supported. |
25/07/14 WinEDR V3.4.7 |
Updates: National Instruments: Support for USB-6000 - USB-6005 devices added. |
25/07/14 WinEDR V3.4.6 |
Bug fixes: |
16/07/14 WinEDR V3.4.5 |
Bug fixes: Detect Events: Newly added or deleted events no longer lost when event display window changed or other pages selected. |
30/06/14 WinEDR V3.4.4 |
Bug fixes: Detect Events: Occasional "Error writing event file" errors blocked during manual addition or deletion of events with F1/F2 keys. Updates: Heka EPC & ITC devices. Now supports EPC9/10 and ITC16/18 interface using Heka EPC9 driver. |
14/12/14 WinEDR V3.4.3 |
Updates: Analog data buffer increased to 16777216 samples to allow >250s stimulus protocols at 20000 samples/sec. |
02/12/13 WinEDR V3.4.2 |
Bug fixes: Digidata 132X & CED 1401: Very long (150s+) stimulus protocols can now be generated without protocol being corrupted. |
19/11/13 WinEDR V3.4.1 |
Bug fixes: Amplifiers: Current command scale factors settings now recognised. Amplifier settings now saved and reloaded from file correctly. |
19/11/13 WinEDR V3.4.0 |
Updates: Digidata 132X interfaces: Stimulus protocols now supported. |
8/11/13 WinEDR V3.3.9 |
Updates: CED 1401: Power 1401 Mk3 now supported. |
7/6/13 WinEDR V3.3.8 |
Bug Fixes: Post-synaptic current simulation: Random variation in fixed frequency time interval now present from start of PSC train. |
15/5/13 WinEDR V3.3.7 |
Updates: Post-synaptic current simulation: Amplitude of currents in fixed frequency trains now defined by a binomial distribution with release probability and pool size settable, with optional depression or facilitation during trains. |
30/4/13 WinEDR V3.3.6 |
Updates: Post-synaptic current simulation: Series of post synaptic currents can now produced at fixed frequencies as well as random intervals. Settings now saved in INI file and random number generator initialised when window is opened. CED 1401 interfaces: High speed clock now used for A/D and D/A timing giving more precision in setting sampling interval. |
02/4/13 WinEDR V3.3.5 |
Bug Fixes: Record To Disk: Free run / External Trigger setting now retained when window closed and in settings file. Amplifiers: List out of bounds error when type of  amplifier is invalid now fixed (amplifier type set to None). |
11/3/13 WinEDR V3.3.4 |
Bug Fixes: |
26/2/13 WinEDR V3.3.3 |
Updates: Digidata 1440A: D/A and digital stimulus pulses now supported in Record to Disk window. Seal Test: Cell Rm and Pipette Ra now displayed in addition to Gm and Ga. Averaging interval for R, Gm Ga, Cm display can now be adjusted by user. |
18/9/12 WinEDR V3.3.1 |
Bug Fixes: CED 1401: CED Micro1401 Mk3 now recognised and no. of A/D and D/A channels set correctly. Heka EPC800: Default setting of command voltage scale factor now set to 0.1 (rather than 0.02). |
28/8/12 WinEDR V3.3.0 |
Updates: Fixed zero level option and zero level settings pop-up dialog box added to Viewing and Recording windows and noise analysis window. In Recording window, fixed zero level no longer sets zero levels to absolute zero. |
27/8/12 WinEDR V3.2.9 |
Bug Fixes: Instrutech ITC-16/18: Changes to holding level in recording window no longer cause error message but have no effect. (Holding level can only be changed in seal test window.) |
21/8/12 WinEDR V3.2.8 |
Updates: |
6/7/12 WinEDR V3.2.7 |
Bug Fixes: CED 1401: "Unable to find use1432.dll " error occurring with latest versions of CED1401 driver software now fixed. Version of use1432.dll compatible with WinWCP now loaded from c:\winedr. |
7/7/11 WinEDR V3.2.6 |
Bug Fixes: Error in amplitude scaling of imported V1.8 ABF files with disabled amplifier telegraphs fixed. SIPBS wireless DBS stimulation pulse frequency and width now updated correctly. |
24/6/11 WinEDR V3.2.5 |
Updates: DBS stimulator control panel added for SIPBS wireless DBS/EEG transceiver. |
10/5/11 WinEDR V3.2.4 |
Updates: AM Systems 2400 patch clamp: Voltage/current clamp mode telegraph now supported. |
20/4/11 WinEDR V3.2.3 |
Bug Fixes: |
7/3/11 WinEDR V3.2.2 |
Updates: Support for National Instruments USB 6008 and 6009, low cost, interfaces added. |
8/2/11 WinEDR V3.2.1 |
Bug Fix: Incorrect scaling of command voltages when A/D input voltage range is set less than +/- 10V fixed. |
8/2/11 WinEDR V3.2.0 |
Bug Fixes: |
10/12/10 WinEDR V3.1.9 |
Updates: Program now automatically requests elevation to administrator level privileges when run under Windows Vista or 7. |
08/12/10 WinEDR V3.1.8 |
Updates: View Recording: Average signal level between signal display readout cursors (t=0 and t=?) can now be computed. |
27/07/10 WinEDR V3.1.7 |
Bug Fixes: Digidata 1440A: Unwanted -10V pulse on DAC output 0 which occurred between seal test steps with pulse durations > 50ms fixed. Default recording duration now stored in INI file. Updates: Single channel analysis: Unit current now set using unit-c cursor on amplitude histograms. Analysis sub-range settings nows stored in EDR file. |
15/07/10 WinEDR V3.1.6 |
Bug Fixes: Current gain now correctly read from Axon Multiclamp 700B when 10Gohm feedback resistor in use. Updates: Digital Filter: Sampling rate can now be reduced in filtered file when low pass filter selected. Filtered data now stored in a separate EDR file. National Instruments cards: Device number of card can now be selected allowing card device numbers other than one to be selected when multiple installed cards. Interface cards: SIPBS wireless EEG recorder now supported. |
8/03/10 WinEDR V3.1.4 |
Bug Fixes: |
15/02/10 WinEDR V3.1.3 |
Updates: |
27/01/10 WinEDR V3.1.2 |
Bug Fixes: Access violation when event detector window opened with files containing more than 2 channels fixed. |
12/01/10 |
Updates: |
/10/09 WinEDR V3.1.0 |
Bug Fixes: Noise Analysis: Memory violation when copying data in variance vs time plots with 4000 data points fixed. |
3 /9/09 WinEDR V3.0.9 |
Updates: Data files can now be exported in CED CFS format. CFS files containing 4 byte integer and 4 & 8 byte floating point data can be imported. Bug Fix: HEKA EPC-8 digital gain readout now works correctly when using National Instruments cards and (NIDAQ-MX) library. |
13/7/09 WinEDR V3.0.8 |
Bug Fix Dagan PCOne gain telegraph now works correctly over full range of gains |
13/7/09 WinEDR V3.0.7 |
Updates: Capacity Measurement: Compensation for Rs & Cslow cancellation added. Greal & Gimag can be inverted, Tested with Scitec 420 lock-in amplifier. Bug Fixes: Digital Filter: Mixing of multiple channels in first block of low pass filter fixed. Backup of raw data file when filtering no longer produces file error warning |
2 9/4/09 WinEDR V3.0.6 |
Bug Fixes: |
14 /4/09 WinEDR V3.0.5 |
 Bug Fixes: Export Events option in Event Detection window now works correctly. First event is no longer repeated in all records. |
23/2/09 WinEDR V3.0.4 |
Minimum display window size reduced from 1 sec to 50 ms. |
/2/09 WinEDR V3.0.3 |
Cell resistance measurement plot added to recording window. Bug Fixes: |
26/9/08 WinEDR V3.0.1 |
Bug Fixes: Molecular Devices Digidata 1440 interface unit now detected. |
22/9/08 WinEDR V3.0.0 |
Bug Fixes: NPI Turbo-Tec03X gain scaling is now correct at all values. Updates: Update of signal readout in recording window now slower to make it easier to read. |
20/8/08 WinEDR V2.9.8 |
Bug Fixes: Minimum sampling interval for National Instruments PCI-6251 & PCI-6259 and PCI-6052 now 1 microsecond. |
19/8/08 |
 Bug Fixes: Error which caused incorrect A/D sampling interval being reported (possibly introduced WinEDR V2.9.4-6) with NIDAQ-MX when sampling intervals shorter than board limits selected fixed. |
6 /8/08 WinEDR V2.9.6 |
Updates Support for Digidata 1440A added. Two patch clamp amplifiers now supported simultaneously. Y axis calibration now better chosen. Channels can now be deleted from displays and resized individually. |
28 /7/08 WinEDR V2.9.5 |
Bug Fixes: Error in scaling of signal amplitudes (caused by A/D resolution of interface card not being now stored correctly in EDR data file) in files recorded by V2.9.3&4 now fixed. Scaling of incorrectly recorded files can be fixed by entering correct A/D resolution into File Properties menu. |
17/7/08 WinEDR V2.9.4 |
Bug Fixes: Required telegraph channels now appear correctly when amplifier is selected in setup dialog box (fixes problem introduced in V2.9.3). Intermittent failure to update holding potential correctly when switching between seal test and recording windows with Digidata 132X interface now fixed. |
14/7/08 WinEDR V2.9.3 |
Updates: |
29/4/08 WinEDR V2.9.2 |
 Bug Fixes: Memory violation errors in event detection module with large display window durations fixed. |
29/4/08 WinEDR V2.9.1 |
 Bug Fixes: Incorrect scaling of signal amplitudes when importing from Axon ABF V1.8 files fixed. |
26/3/08 WinEDR V2.9.0 |
8 /10/07 WinEDR V2.8.9 |
Bug Fixes: Rate of rise and other event detection criterion signals within event detector window now kept within 16 bit digital sample limit, avoiding signal wrap-round problems with large rapidly changing signals.  |
5 /09/07 WinEDR V2.8.8 |
Bug Fixes: |
4 /09/07 WinEDR V2.8.7 |
Updates: |
21/08/07 |
Updates |
20/08/07 |
Updates Bug Fixes |
WinEDR V2.8.3 |
Updates Stimulus protocol generator enhanced. Two DAC channels now supported. Complex wave shapes and sequences can be generated and protocols can be linked together. Digital outputs available with National Instruments M Series interfaces units. ASCII text files exported from HEKA Pulse program can now be imported. COM automation interface added allowing recording and seal test functions to be controlled from VBSCRIPT script file. |
17/04/07 WinEDR V2.8.2 |
Bug Fixes Spurious pulse which appeared intermittently at end of recording sweeps with ITC-16/18 interfaces now fixed for both old and new ITC16/18 drivers. |
14/04/07 WinEDR V2.8.1 |
Bug Fixes Spurious pulse which appeared intermittently at end of recording sweeps with ITC-16/18 interfaces fixed. National Instruments devices without digital I/O support (e.g. USB6215) no longer trigger unnecessary errors messages. |
09/03/07 WinEDR V2.8.0 |
Updates Event Detection: Options added to allow event decay time to be measured relative to mid-point of signal rising phase or a0 cursor, as well as from peak of signal. Option added to allow signal zero level to be set from start of event window as well as immediately preceding event. Bug Fixes. Event Detection: Errors in scaling of signal amplitude when detected event signals with multiple channel exported to WCP files fixed. |
04/02/2007 WinEDR V2.7.9 |
Updates Peak detection for waveform analysis of detected event can now be restricted to a region defined by analysis cursors to exclude artefacts. Bug Fixes Amplitude of channels imported from WCP now scaled correctly. CFS files with empty channels containing zero points can now be imported. |
22/12/2006 WinEDR V2.7.8 |
Updates: Manual cursors measurements of single-channel currents now saved in interna list and can be plotted as stability plots or as amplitude histograms. Single-channels can now be include/excluded from analysis using current amplitude standard deviation as a criterion. Bug Fixes: Export to IGOR Binary Wave format files now works. |
03/12/06 WinEDR V2.7.7 |
Bug Fixes: DIgidata 1200 device driver installation for Windows 2000/XP now works |
28/11/06 WinEDR V2.7.6 |
Updates: Linear fit added to Event detector module event waveform average Bug Fixes: Detected event list now updated after events are added or deleted, to avoid corruption of event list when display channel is changed after an event is deleted. |
27/11/06 WinEDR V2.7.5 |
Updates: Event detector module: Post-peak decay time measurement (T/90%) now allows user to set % decay time (T.x%). Single-channel module: i) Exclusion of edge points in single-channel current amplitude now set in Edit state windows and applied consistently on other plots and histograms. ii) Manual cursor measurements of event duration and amplitudes can be exported to a file. Max. duration of display windows increased Bug fixes: ABF files exported from WinEDR no longer causes error when digital filter applied in CLAMPFIT. |
27/09/6 WinEDR V2.7.3 |
Updates: Support for voltage-current clamp mode switching added. |
16/06/6 WinEDR V2.6.9 |
Updates: Axopatch 200 current/voltage channel changing when switching between voltage- and current clamp mode now supported. Support for Warner PC501A and 505B amplifiers added. Single-channel current amplitude stability plot added to single-channel analysis module Count-matched averaging option added to event detection module Bug Fixes: Digidata 1200 support now works again under Windows 9X (using pre V2.6.6 WinRT drivers) |
09/06/6 WinEDR V2.6.7 |
Updates: Single-channel current stability plot added to single-channel analysis module. Bug Fixes: Resizing display window while recording is in progress no longer causes the loss of A/D samples from the recording. Bug which caused termination of A/D display at certain sampling intervals fixed. |
12/4/6 WinEDR V2.6.6 |
Updates: Axon Digidata 1200 card now supported under Windows NT, 2000 and XP Support for Dagan 3900A and PC-One patch clamps added Non-linear baseline trends can now be subtracted from detected event signals Bug Fixes: Time and amplitude scaling of signals imported from IGOR IBW files now correct |
29/5/5 WinEDR V2.5.9 |
Updates: National Instruments card analogue input modes can now be set to differential or NRSE from within WinEDR. Bug Fixes: NPI SEC 05LX single-electrode clamp gain telegraph now read correctly. |
19/5/5 WinEDR V2.5.8 |
Updates: Strathclyde Chart and Microsoft WAVE format files can now be imported and exported. Support for NPI SEC 05LX single-electrode clamp added. Bug Fixes: Seal Test now works with Standard 1401 again Time units for ASCII text file import now works correctly. |
16/5/5 WinEDR |
Updates: WinEDR can now be updated without manually uninstalling previous versions. Bug Fixes: Pre-existing channel scale settings for a file containing data is no longer overwritten within Recording Setup. Bug introduced in previous update which prevented Recording to Disk with Digidata 1200 now fixed. |
25/4/5 WinEDR V2.5.5 |
Updates: Support for National Instruments M Series cards added. Bug fixes: Patch clamp amplifier gain telegraph should now be read correctly using Axon Digidata 1320 Series interface unit. |
9/3/5 WinEDR |
Updates: High pass and notch digital filter added. Channels can now be filtered separately. Bug fixes: Stimulator option now work. Cairn Optopatch and A-Systems support should now work correctly. |
20/12/4 WinEDR V2.5.2 |
Updates: Support for Biologic RK400, A-M Systems 2400 & NPI Turbo Tec added. Amplitude histograms now displayed with better X axis range. Curve fit results can be saved to log file. |
9/8/04 WinEDR V2.4.9 |
Updates: Axon Multiclamp 700A & 700B amplifiers now supported. External trigger now supports both Active High and Low trigger polarities. Bug Fixes: VP500 holding current now in pA rather than nA. VP500 CFast compensation now more reliable. |
14/4/04 WinEDR V2.4.8 |
Updates: Support for Biologic VP500 patch clamp added. Incrementing index numbers automatically added to names of new data files |
25/3/04 WinEDR V2.4.7 |
Updates: Import/export of Igor binary files added. Bug Fixes: Seal Test window floating point errors now trapped. |
27/08/03 WinEDR V2.4.3 | Updates WinEDR now installed in \WinEDR folder to avoid file write permission problems in \Program Files Detect Events module can now compute average of detected events. Problems with display of template matching criterion in Detect Events fixed. Old Event Detection module removed from menu. CED 1401 interface, both \1401 and \1401\utils folders now checked for 1401 commands. CED 1902 amplifier, problems setting AC coupling for isolated electrodes fixed. |
28/04/03 WinEDR V2.3.9 | Updates National Instruments PCI-6014 interface board now supported. CED 1401s with 10V A/D or D/A now supported. |
14/02/03 WinEDR V2.3.7 | Updates Support for ITC-16 and ITC-18 using standard Instrutech driver added. Digitised signals can now be displayed as multi-line pages. Sub-sections of a digitised recording can be exported as a .EDR file. Bug fixes Single-Channel Analysis: Event rejection facilty now works correctly Divide by zero error preventing use of Digidata 1320 Series interface (PCLAMP V9) fixed. |
23/12/02 WinEDR V2.3.6 | Updates Support for +/-10V input voltage range of National Instruments boards supported. National Instruments DAQCard 6036E now supported. Event Detection module: Waveform amplitude and duration analysis added. Average event frequency can now be calculated over a defined period of time. Events can be deleted using filter criteria based upon waveform analysis. Waveform analysis measurements can now be plotted as graphs or histograms. Page view module added allowing recording to plotted as a series of lines on a page. Bug fixes Event Detection module: Misplacement of manually inserted events fixed. Single-channel module: Deletion of rejected events now works correctly Open states can now be included in average state amplitude histogram. |
07/06/02 WinEDR V2.3.2 | National Instruments /AI boards (without D/A converters) now supported. Selection of event detection channel in multi-channel files now works correctly. Holding voltage increment between recording sweeps now works. Support for Instrutech ITC-16 and ITC-18 interfaces added Digidata 1320 : Alternative locations for axdd132xx.dll library now searched. New Event detection system added, supporting 3 types of event detection algorithms. Simulated noise module improved to provide more realistic noise signal. | |
25/04/02 WinEDR V2.3.2 | Support for Instrutech ITC-16 and ITC-18 interfaces added. Digidata 1320: Alternative locations for axdd132xx.dll library now searched. New Event detection system added, supporting 3 types of event detection algorithms. Simulated noise module improved to provide more realistic noise signal. | |
18/02/02 WinEDR V2.2.7 | Intermittent floating point errors in seal test module when running under Windows 2000 fixed. | |
14/01/02 WinEDR V2.2.6 | WinEDR now works correctly with National Instruments PCI-6035 card. Digitised recording can now be exported as ASCII text file. Bug which prevented amplitude histograms being computed from sub-range within data file now fixed. Signal zero level in display window now updated when changed in amplitude histogram. | |
15/08/01 WinEDR V2.2.5 | EDE single-channel event record file now compatible with earlier versions. Record To Disk (not working since V2.2.2 with Digidata 1320) now fixed. Stimulator now turned off when record window closed. | |
15/08/01 WinEDR V2.2.3 | Single open times histogram now works. Summary page of dwell time statistics include open channel probability within a burst now available. | |
20/07/01 WinEDR V2.2.2 | Curve fitting function parameters now displayed with super/subscripts. Amplitude histogram now integrated into single-channel analysis module. Five exponential pdfs can now be fitted to dwell time histograms. Bugs which caused incorrect curve fit parameter standard errors and prevented fixed parameters now corrected. New User Manual in Acrobat PDF format included with program | |
22/05/01 WinEDR V2.1.2 | Support for CED Power 1401 added. | |
15/03/01 WinEDR V2.1.1 | Bug preventing sampling intervals longer than 2 ms with National Instruments E-Series boards fixed. Installation of WinWCP support for Digidata 1320 no longer interferes with operation of AxoSCope | |
28/2/01 WinEDR V2.1.0 | Support for Axon Digidata 1320 Series added. Axopatch gain telegraphs now read and included in gain calibration. Seal Test now computes Gaccess, Gmembrane & Cmembrane. Bug causing spurious voltage pulses between records with Digidata 1200 fixed. | |
27/4/00 WinEDR V2.05 | Support for PCI 6024E added (NIDAQ V6.5.1). Detect event export to WCP files now works. |