Terms and Conditions (January 2008)

In downloading these data, which are provided free of charge, you agree that:

(a) The data are protected by Copyright, with the copyright owner specified on the metadata sheet corresponding to each data set.

(b) No warranty is given that the data are accurate, complete or up-to-date and we make no representation and give no warranty that the data are appropriate or suitable for any particular purpose or use.

(c) You assume all risks of using the data and any data derived from them.

(d) We have no liability in connection with any use of the data, or any data derived from the data.

(e) You may, for the purpose of collaboration with third parties, re-distribute any of the data and associated metadata to such third parties, provided that you draw their attention to these Terms and Conditions.

(f) You may, when required to do so for the purposes of a scientific publication, deposit the data with the publisher as ESI (electronic supplementary information) or as data embedded in some other appropriate format, e.g. a CIF, provided that the source is acknowledged, as indicated under point (i).

(g) You may not re-distribute any of the data, or associated metadata, other than as directed in points (e) and (f).  For example, you may not re-distribute any of the data, or associated metadata, via a web site, an online database or as part of a software package, irrespective of whether the package is free of charge or charged for. You may, however, refer users of a software package to the data source, www.powderdata.net, in literature or documentation pertaining to that package.

(h) These terms and conditions may change and the most up-to-date version is to be found on www.powderdata.net .  Any changes apply to use of the data from the time that the changes appear on www.powderdata.net .

(i) You must, in any publication or presentation utilising any of these data, acknowledge the use by citing both the URL ( www.powderdata.net ) and any references provided in the 'Citation' field of the relevant metadata sheets.

(j) In the event that you wish to use any of the data, or associated metadata, in a way that is prohibited by these Terms and Conditions, you may contact alastair.florence@strath.ac.uk to enquire further.